Monday, March 28, 2011

the basic scoop

For those of you who aren't already aware of what I meant by "I'm leaving for the other side of the world in ten days", heres the basic scoop..

Two weeks ago sunday, I was heading to a friend's house from a babysitting job, and was hit with some really emotional news via phone on my way. So by the time I arrived, I was quite the little mess. I stumbled up the steps and let myself in the door, headed for the basement where everyone would be gathered. What I did not expect to find however, was a most beloved friend and mentor, Mrs. Kathy, seated in the living room I was about to walk past. She was the wonderful lady who took me under her wing when we traveled to Asia this past January, and to find her there in the midst of being so overwhelmed was such a God thing. The owners of the house had asked her to come be a chaperone for a short time while they ran out, and that short time "just so happened" to be going on when I walked in the door.

-Thanks Jesus:)-

We sat and talked for a while, and about halfway through my conversation with her, she said, "You know I wish you weren't so very busy with schoolwork, because one of the families we worked with this January just sent out an email asking if there was anyone who could come and help them in Asia this April."
I responded, "really?..well...when would the trip be?"

From the moment she brought the opportunity up, by heart did a little hop-skip-jump. As in, "Are you behind this timing God?" One of the first thoughts that came to my mind was a replay of a conversation I had with my younger sister Morgan that morning. She had asked me randomly if I was busy in the month of April. I told her no, all I had on my schedule was school and work, and asked why she was wondering. "No reason" She replied. Her question hadn't crossed my mind again until i was talking with Mrs. Kathy, and I've asked her since then if she remembers why she asked, but she doesnt even remember the conversation. Strange.

The next morning, Mrs. Kathy had forwarded me the email from the family in need and informed me that the dates were not four weeks away, but instead a mere three. She wrote, "take a look and see what you think. It's not impossible."

Of course not. thing is impossible for God.

And the rest is history. Everything from my boss giving me the go ahead to take off time from work, to my dad being at peace with the idea of me flying internationally all alone, to being FULLY FUNDED IN ONE WEEK, has been orchestrated and pulled together by God. Not in a year, or a few months, or even a few weeks. My God did these miracles in one single week. I cant do anything else but just sit in stunned amazement and fear of the God I serve. I keep telling people I shouldn't be so surprised. I mean, if my God created the entire world, what is it for Him to pick me up in His mighty hands and carry me to the other side?

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